No matter what you're looking for, we'll help you find a Membership to suit your needs.
Discover Halifax provides simple and cost-effective solutions, allowing you to reach more visitors.
Are you looking to reach conference delegates? We have a Meetings & Conventions Membership Add-On for you.
For businesses looking to reach the lucrative meetings and conventions market, look no further than our Meetings and Conventions Bundle.
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Are you a non-profit organization? We have a membership solution for you too!
We have a membership solution for you too!
At Discover Halifax, we want to provide a comprehensive list of experiences to in-market visitors. We recognize that some businesses are non-revenue or fund generating and may not be able to afford a membership.
If you believe you fall into this category, please contact us so we can chat about your options.
[btn]Affiliate Membership[/btn]
Is your business located beyond the Halifax Region?
For businesses whose product is located outside of the Halifax Regional Municipality, you may still qualify for a membership with Discover Halifax.
Contact our membership team to discuss your options.
[btn]Provincial Memberships[/btn]