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What is the Integrated Tourism Master Plan?

The Integrated Tourism Master Plan was approved by Halifax Regional Council on February 23, 2021. The plan will support our local tourism industry and help shape economic growth, anticipate any challenges that may come with growth, and build better communities for visitors and residents. This investment in tourism will help the industry thrive over the next five years and beyond.

For the latest information on the ITMP, go to Discover Halifax's corporate website.
Planifax explains how Halifax's Tourism Master plan was developed.

A community-first approach

By promoting the Halifax region as a destination of choice for leisure and business travellers, and following the plan for growth, we can build a better place for everyone, not just tourists.

There are 210 communities in Halifax and each one is welcoming and unique. To benefit our communities, and involve them throughout the development of the plan, Discover Halifax led community collaboration with support from our many valued partners. We released an online survey and hosted more than 30 collaborative sessions to allow citizens and partners to contribute their ideas to the plan.

Together, we can reach our shared potential to be globally recognized as Canada’s favourite city.

Economic impacts of the plan

Halifax has tremendous potential for economic growth through tourism. We currently welcome 5.3 million overnight stays each year, who spend an estimated $1.3 billion a year.

Approximately 34,000 people working in tourism at 4,000 businesses throughout Halifax. Supporting tourism growth through the Plan will help Halifax achieve its goal to grow the GDP to $30 billion by 2031.

Important Update

Discover Halifax is acting responsibly during the global pandemic from COVID-19. We have postponed all large gatherings, including the launch of the Integrated Tourism Master Plan until it is safe to do so.

We're looking forward to rolling out a master plan for Halifax at a future date. The plan will be a critical part of Halifax's success rebounding from this challenging time and helping our economy recover.